Just a place where I can rant if I need to. Praise if I can. List my hopes and dreams if I have any. Be silly if I decide to. And if you don't like it...YOU CAN "KISS MY GRITS"!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


WE have a Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Yay! I cannot even tell you how excited I am about the prospect of Rock Band being played at my house. I'll just take a quick sec to toot my own horn here...I ROCK AT THE DRUMS! Who knew?!
Now, in real life I own a guitar that I've been wanting to learn to play for years and I will ding dang it! One day, maybe whilst on maternity leave I'll dust off ye' ole gi-tar and learn to play a tune or two for mah boy! But I'm terrible at the Rock Band guitar (I truly don't think the strumming/buttons match up to the TV). So, Santa, if you're listening BRING MAMA ROCK BAND! (Incidentally I did register for a bib that says "My Mom Rocks" and I think it'd be really cool if I actually did! Watch out PINK I've got some rock moves too!)
Oh, disclaimer: No, we don't have the $$ to be buying a Wii right now, but a game store around here is running a deal where you can sell back your old gaming system (in our case a PS2) and some games for a Wii...so, like all mature 29 year olds my hubby took his birthday $$ and old system/games and bartered them for a Wii!
Besides Rock Band...the coolest thing I've seen is a game the hubby pointed out to me is Wii Cheer! YES A FRICKIN' CHEERLEADING GAME! Don't judge me! If you were never a cheerleader it's possible you don't understand, but think of something that you absolutely loved doing that you're too old to do now...and think about finding out it's in GAME FORM and has a workout mode that burns calories (which will come in handy to get your 17 year old cheerleader body back...ok, just your pre-baby body) so now you see what I mean. I AM STOKED!


Anonymous said...

Thats kind of a neat deal!

The wife said...

Holy crap, now I want a Wii!! I still go around doing the motions of cheers, but of course I've got my two lovely ladies I have to pass my skills down to!!

Unknown said...

I've been thinking about getting a Wii, but now that I know they have a Cheer game, it will definity be in our near future plans! My Sassy will love that!

*marissa* said...

OMG- i want wii cheer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have wii rock band and will gladly rock out with you! i just stick to the singing, because i suck at the rest. yay for you!!!!!

CindyLooHoo said...

Hello? Where is the shout out to your rock band chicks where your drumming skills came to light? I am right there on guitar backing you up, babe, any day!!!

Breezy said...

Cindy you are right! Shout out to my Chi-town Chica's and our weekend band where my mad skillz made their debut! Can't wait to get the band back together...I say we add additional vocals-MARISSA!!

Surf Girl said...

That sounds like so much fun!